Introduction to the Directorate:
La direction des systèmes d'information, de la communication et des relations extérieures a été créé par décision ministérielle conjointe datée du 09 Jumada Al-Thani 1439 correspondant au 18 mars 2018, qui définit l'organisation administrative de l'école supérieure et la nature de ses services techniques.
Le personnel administratif de la direction
Prof. Dr. BELASLA FATIHA | La Directrice adjointe |
GUELLATI AMIRA | Chef de service de l'information et de la communication |
AITER NABILA | Le chef de service des relations extérieures |
CAID ASSIA | Le chef de service de la veille, des statistiques et de la prospective. |
Le directeur des systèmes d'information, de la communication et des relations extérieures est assisté par :
- Le chef de service de l'information et de la communication.
- Le chef de service de la veille, des statistiques et de la prospective.
- Le chef de service des relations extérieures.
Les missions de la direction :
- Collecter les informations à l'intérieur de l'école, les traiter et les diffuser.
- Diffuser et transmettre toutes les informations relatives à l'école (ses directions, ses services, ses départements, son administration, ses laboratoires de recherche, sa bibliothèque...) via différents moyens de communication et de technologie de l'information, notamment les réseaux sociaux (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.), le site web de l'école, ainsi que les écrans d'affichage à l'école.
- Assurer le suivi et l'organisation des événements scientifiques (conférences, colloques, etc.).
- Assurer la couverture médiatique de chaque événement ou activité organisé à l'école (activités des clubs, laboratoires de recherche, bibliothèque, etc.).
- Mettre à la disposition des étudiants toutes les informations susceptibles de les aider dans leur parcours académique.
- Assurer la fourniture de services en ligne pour les étudiants.
- Promouvoir la numérisation.
- Tenir à jour la carte statistique de l'école.
- Initiatives visant à promouvoir l'échange et la coopération avec d'autres établissements d'enseignement supérieur.
- Encourager l'accompagnement des étudiants dans leur parcours professionnel.
Renforcer les relations de l'école avec son environnement social et économique et initier des programmes de partenariat.

Directorate interests
1. Media and Communication Department
The Department of Media and Communication, a newly established department of the Directorate of Media, Communication, and External Relations at the Higher School of Teachers in Bouzareah. It was established by the joint ministerial decision dated 09 Jumada II 1439 corresponding to 25 February 2018, which defines the administrative organization of the Higher School and the nature of its technical departments.
- Collect, process, and disseminate information within the school.
- Publish and communicate all information related to the school (directorates, departments, research laboratories, library…) by various means of media and communication technology via social media sites (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, …), the school’s website, as well as the school’s display screens.
- Ensure the follow-up and organization of scientific events (seminars, symposiums, etc.).
- Media coverage of every event or activity held at the school (club activities, research laboratories, library).
- Putting at the disposal of students any information that will help them in their academic career.
Annual program of scientific events
2. External Relations Department
The Department of External Relations seeks to establish cooperation and mutual exchange between the Higher School of Teachers and other university bodies, whether national or international, by concluding agreements aimed mainly at consolidating cooperation and exchanging experiences and expertise in various fields of higher education and scientific research.
International and national agreements
- International agreements:
– A twinning agreement between the school and Uzbekistan State University of World Languages – Republic of Uzbekistan: Dated 06/02/2023: This agreement aims to establish and develop research projects and promote exchange knowledge transfer and innovation between the two countries.
– A twinning agreement between the school and the University of Sousse, Tunisia.
– A twinning agreement between the school and the Higher Institute of Languages in Nabeul, Tunisia.
– A twinning agreement between the school and the Center for Research and Studies in Dialogue of Civilizations and Comparative Religions in Sousse, Tunisia.
- National Agreements
– A cooperation agreement between the school and the National Museum of Mujahid: (12/15/2019). This agreement was based on the correspondence of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research No. 384 dated 19/05/2016 addressed to the regional seminars, which recommends the need for cooperation and coordination with the National Museum of Mujahed, in order to communicate the historical message to the rising generations, and to urge professors and students to field visits to the museum and archaeological and historical sites to identify the various events and facts that abound in our national history full of heroes and glories.
– A cooperation agreement between the school and the National Center for Studies and Research in the National Movement and the Revolution of November 1, 1954: dated 13/02/2022: In view of the care that the Algerian state attaches to the First November Revolution, the school decided to establish a joint cooperation and exchange with the center, mainly aimed at developing the history and geography department and specialized research laboratories.
– A cooperation agreement between the school and the National Center for Cinema and Audiovisual: (07/01/2022).
This memorandum of cooperation came in implementation of the agreement concluded between the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and the Ministry of Culture and Arts on January 07, 2021, aimed at establishing a strategy directed at the student segment to attract their interest and urge them to practice cultural, artistic and literary activities and in order to strengthen the bonds of cultural, scientific and artistic cooperation between the two institutions, within the framework of opening up to the cultural scene, exchanging experiences, improving educational performance, and ensuring convergence of views on how to promote and develop cinematic and audiovisual activity, in addition to spreading the cinematic culture and mutual benefit from films and cinematography.
– A cooperation agreement between the Higher School of Teachers Bouzareah and the School of Deaf and Dumb Beni Messous: (27/02/2023)
This agreement aims to cooperate and exchange experiences in various fields of teaching and scientific research and exploit all available opportunities to achieve common interests between the two schools that serve teachers, students, and various research laboratories.
– A cooperation agreement between the Higher School of Teachers Bouzareah and the High Prefecture of Amazigh language (15/05/2023).
This agreement aims to cooperate and exchange experiences in various fields of teaching the Amazigh language and cultural scientific research and to exploit all available opportunities to achieve common interests.
– A cooperation agreement between the Higher School of Teachers Bouzareah and the University of Algiers 1 Ben Youssef Benkheda (05/18/2023):
This agreement aims at consolidating cooperation and exchanging experiences and expertise in various fields of higher education and scientific research.
– A cooperation agreement between the Higher School of Teachers Bouzareah and the University Center Morsli Abdallah Tipaza: It aims to consolidate cooperation and exchange of experiences in the field of teaching and learning, develop scientific research projects of common interest, and expand the field of scientific activities for mutual benefit.
– A cooperation agreement between the Higher School of Teachers Bouzareah and the Scientific and Cultural Research Center for the Development of the Arabic Language (26/10/2023):
This agreement aims to organize and promote scientific cooperation in the fields of scientific research, technological development, and training and valorization. Cooperation includes all common knowledge and scientific fields between the two institutions.
– A cooperation agreement between the Higher School of Teachers Bouzareah and Mouloud Mammri University, Tizi-Ouzou.
– A cooperation agreement between the Higher School of Teachers Bouzareah and ANSEG.
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