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  • Quality Cell

Quality Cell

Introducing the Quality Cell and its tasks:

The orientation of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research towards a reform aimed at promoting the Algerian university to better levels led to the establishment of the National Committee for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CIAQUE) by Ministerial Decision No. 167.

 Its function lies in applying the best performance and practices of higher education institutions, whether at the institutional or programmatic level, and promoting their products in various aspects of knowledge, education, creativity, etc., relying on a set of standards and indicators applied globally, to achieve the desired model institution and judge the extent to which quality goals are achieved.

To carry out this work, this committee (the National Committee for Quality Assurance) has established quality assurance cells at the level of all university institutions by a decision of the university president or the director of a higher school, specifying the organization and structure of this cell in charge of implementing the quality assurance policy, including evaluation, follow-up, training, information and publication of reports, etc.

This reform activity includes all higher education institutions, including the Higher School of Teachers Bouzareah, which is an intellectual beacon that forms those who are entrusted with the most noble jobs in society (education). This school is in need of a culture of quality, good management, and performance, whether at the pedagogical or administrative level, which led to the establishment of a quality assurance cell on April 10, 2022 by the director of the school after the end of the duties of the first cell installed in 2018.

The work of the Quality Assurance Cell is based on seven different areas defined by the National Reference for Quality, namely: Training, scientific research, university life, basic structure, relationship with the socio-economic environment, cooperation, and mobility between higher schools and universities.

Each field has fields based on a set of references and criteria that represent the desired state of the school, followed by proofs that allow measuring the level of convergence with this state, with the aim of identifying weaknesses and strengths and a detailed evaluation of the current situation, then explaining the evaluation through concrete facts, in order to develop practical mechanisms and strategies to bring about change for the better.

 Because the success of the implementation of the quality system in higher education institutions, including our school, depends primarily on the need to bring about change towards a culture of quality. That is, the quality system is an organizational change project that requires coordinated, effective, tight, and coordinated teamwork that is not resistant to change, accompanied by a transition from a known and practiced situation to a new situation, which some may consider a threat to existing and familiar methods and patterns of behavior that they are afraid to change.

Therefore, the first action taken by this cell was the questionnaire it sent to the various departments and directorates for the purpose of internal evaluation in light of the standards set by the National Quality Assurance Reference, as we mentioned earlier. This evaluation aims to collect and analyze data in order to identify shortcomings and guide the administrative and pedagogical leadership on how to invest all human and material resources to improve performance compared to the international standard, through the implementation of a short-term and long-term strategic plan.

Through this report, we first analyzed the internal environment of the school by studying the ratios of teachers, staff, students, and administrative and pedagogical structures available in the school. Then we presented the results of the questionnaire according to the administrative division of the school first and then according to the national quality assurance reference. We concluded the report with a synthesis and recommendations to improve the quality of the performance of the school management from departments and directorates.

Cell members

  • Dr. Saida Meftah – Head of the cell
  • Prof. Dr. Amri Ben Kasmeya – Member
  • Dr. Manana Battash – Member

Organizational Structure of the Quality Cell

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